Yesterday we reported that plans for Segwit2x have cancelled or at least been put on hold for the time being.
The market has since responded and the Alt Coins have seen the biggest benefit from the failure of Segwit2x to materialise. It appears that people had money in Bitcoin hoping to receive a ‘free’ coin following the hard fork which for the time being does not appear to be happening. Investors have now put at least some of their money back into the Alt Coins.
Since the news Ethereum has risen by almost 10% and NEO has risen by 20%. There are also gains for XRP, Monero, EOS, and many of the others. Whilst Bitcoin has seen its value drop. Bitcoin Cash is the only Alt Coin in the ‘Top 10’ that is currently seeing a loss, having dropped in value by around 1%.
Are the Alt Coins able to keep the momentum going or will Bitcoin once again attract investors to move their money from Alt Coins back into the King of Crypto’s.
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Santos Walko
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know evgnythire!